Sophia Point joins local planting effort

And other November 2022 updates…

Sophia Point joins local planting effort

The team at Sophia Point were delighted to join the big day of planting with the local community at River’s View.

Director Sam Airey brought along Ti plants (Cordyline fruticosa) and West Indian Jasmine (Ixora sp.) from the Sophia Point garden to find a new home at River’s View.

It was great to work with the local school children planting a whole array of fruit trees, flowering plants, shrubs and succulents to enhance the local environment.

We look forward to seeing the school grounds blossom!

Trial education programme kicks off

Our education outreach officer, Miranda Bragan-Turner, has been busy at work development a 6-week primary level course on the importance of tropical rainforests.

She is now trialling this with a school in the UK and in Guyana, with the course culminating in an exchange of letters between the two sets of pupils. We are excited to see how this will develop.

We are grateful to Belmont Preparatory School, Mill Hill for their partnership and support in setting up this initiative.

Spotted at Sophia Point…

We are always excited when we check the camera traps out on the trail at Sophia Point.

This beautiful Puma (Puma concolor) known as a Deer Tiger locally really made our day. Despite its enormous size and hunting prowess, the Puma cannot roar.

Click on the picture to check out the video of this big cat strolling through Sophia Point and give our Instagram a follow if you don’t already!

Co-Founder visits Sophia Point

Co-founder and Chair of the Sophia Point charity, Nicola Green, made a trip out to Guyana to meet our partners and neighbours, to catch up with progress on site and to help plan for the next stage of Sophia Point’s development.

A real highlight of her trip was meeting with local village leader, Toshao Pollard, at River’s View. Nicola was able to listen to the Toshao’s priorities and reaffirm Sophia Point’s commitment to work closely with the community. Nicola handed over a gift of bamboo orchids (Arundina graminifolia) from the Sophia Point garden to the Toshao.

During the busy visit to Guyana, Nicola met with the British High Commissioner, our local architect, staff at the University of Guyana, and Sophia Point’s Guyanese trustees amonst others.

Spotlight on our supporters: Inherent Foundation

As an environmental education and research charity, Sophia Point couldn’t exist without the generous support of individuals and organisations alike.

This month, we are spotlighting one of those organisations: the Inherent Foundation. Sophia Point was lucky to receive early seed funding from the Inherent Foundation to help get us off the ground. We have since build a great relationship with a funder who shares our vision for improving access to conservation and environmental education in Guyana.

We are excited to continue working with these like-minded partners who understand the value of conservation and nature.

Thank you Inherent Foundation!


Building “Camp Lime”


Internet reaches the jungle!